
Three Things Men’s Rights Activists Could Do to Help Men

By , 17, Staff Writer
September 18, 2014

It was midnight, and I was prowling Tumblr and Twitter. I was mainly looking into posts that featured the #yesallwomen hashtag. I had no idea what it was, and I was eager to find out more. Unfortunately, I was not at all surprised as I pulled up pages and pages of women recounting tales of everyday sexual harassment. But, you can imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon a #notallmen post.

Eventually, these #notallmen posts became a way to ridicule #yesallwomen. These men were dismissing tales of sexual harassment, insisting that women were accusing all men of the acts that only a few men had committed. Some of these men identified themselves as Men’s Rights Activists (MRAs), many of whom view feminism as an effort to oppress men. Ironically, the hashtag #notallmen was attacking feminism, despite #yesallwomen being stories of women being harassed by men.

I started thinking of ways MRAs could actually help men instead of attacking feminists. Here are three things that MRAs could do instead of tweeting #notallmen:

1. Work to End Homophobia

If Men’s Rights activism is for the benefit and advancement of all men, then why not fight for the men who are attracted to other men? Homophobia is still a relevant issue that affects gay men globally. Has anyone tried a #yesallgaymen hashtag?

2. Raise Awareness for Male Survivors of Domestic Abuse

Cases of domestic abuse against men often go unreported. Some victims are too embarrassed or ashamed to come forward, and many keep quiet about the abuse they experience. Perhaps, instead of disrupting #yesallwomen, men’s rights activists could start a campaign about domestic violence against men.

3. Get Rid of the Phrase “Be A Man!”

If someone identifies as a man, how they act is what being a man means to that particular person. MRAs should fight against stereotypes of what it means to “be a man” or be masculine—such as, you can’t ever talk about your feelings or you can’t be vulnerable. It’s damaging and only results in many men feeling they aren’t good enough, and the only image they can aspire to is that of the macho, always-in-charge superman.

What do you think MRAs should do or tweet about? Comment below with your thoughts and opinions!

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