
The Bully Project

By , 17, Staff Writer
December 21, 2011

When is the last time your feelings were hurt because of someone else’s words? My answer is—not so long ago. For as long as I can remember, classmates have laughed about my last name, “Fung-Wiener,” and it took me years to embrace my name as a goofy representation of my culturally diverse background. Most teens deal with bullying in some way during their high school experiences. Haven’t you?

The Bully Project is a grassroots movement that uses local campaigns, video projects and social media “to build an alliance of students, parents, school staff, policy makers and engaged citizens to create a positive environment in schools where everyone feels safe and respected.”

At the heart of The Bully Project is a documentary of the same name, directed by celebrated filmmaker, Lee Hirsh. The film spotlights the stories of five different American teens and families in their homes and at their schools. Through these stories, The Bully Project searches for the answers to questions we’ve all asked ourselves: Why do we bully each other, and how can we stop it?

The Bully Project film is scheduled for broad release in U.S. theaters soon. But we don’t need to wait for the movie to learn how to make a difference! On the project’s official Web site, bold letters beckon teens across the nation to “JOIN THE MOVEMENT” by signing up to hear about their latest news and initiatives.

So think about it—when is the last time bullying affected your life, or that of a friend or family member? You’re not alone. It happens all the time to teens all over the nation, but bullying doesn’t have to go on like this forever. We have the power to stop it. So check it out. Speak up. Join the movement.

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