
The T Word Shares the Stories of Seven Young Trans People

By , 15, Staff Writer
November 17, 2014

MTV and Logo TV released a documentary Laverne Cox Presents:The T Word that follows the lives of seven young transgender people. Throughout the approximately forty-minute long documentary, viewers get to meet and see how these seven people live as members of the transgender community. Laverne Cox introduces Kye, Avery, Shane, Ari, Zoey, Daniella and L’lerret, who are all teens trying to find themselves as they face hardship, insults, bullying and prejudice.

Through the film, viewers experience how these transgender teens between the ages of 12 and 20 are judged by other people, including sometimes their own families. With Avery, Shane and Ari you see how building relationships and finding that significant other can be really difficult when you are transgender. Oftentimes, they were afraid to come out to people they talked to because they feared for their safety. And as trans people are often victims of violence, it’s reasonable to be afraid.

The T Word is the perfect movie to show people who may hold transphobic prejudices. Like everyone else, trans people want to be accepted, find love, not be stared at and to be safe. I strongly recommend watching the full documentary on MTV’s website. Once you’ve seen it, make sure to come back and share your thoughts with us by commenting on this blog post!

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