
South Dakota’s New Abortion Law

July 8, 2008

Pro-ChoiceImagine going to a doctor after deciding to have an abortion because you know you can’t support a child. Before you have the abortion, your doctor asks you to read a statement that says “the abortion will terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being” and you have “an existing relationship with that unborn human being.” Would you be shocked? Scared? Maybe you wouldn’t even bat an eye. Or maybe you’d leave before having the procedure.

In two weeks, women who choose to have abortions in South Dakota won’t have to imagine this scenario. A new abortion law will require that they be read a statement with this exact language.

The decision to have an abortion is tough. And women who choose to have abortions are very clear that it will end a pregnancy. Does telling women that they will “terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being” give women medical information they don’t already have? Or does it just manipulate women’s emotions about an already difficult decision?

Whatever you think about abortion, the decision to have one is personal. Tell us what you think about South Dakota’s new law.

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