Slut-Shaming Taylor Swift
March 28, 2013
As an avid Internet user and shameless reader of gossip magazines, I have been reading a lot about the so-called downward spiral of Taylor Swift’s reputation. Her crime? Dating too many people. Taylor is navigating the dating world like any normal 23-year-old would, but she is being punished for it. Her life may be under extra scrutiny because she is a celebrity, but claims that she has dated too many people go way beyond harmless jabs.
Slut-shaming, the condemning of a girl or woman for expressing her sexuality, is a deeply rooted problem in our society, and it often goes unnoticed. It leads girls and women to believe that it is dirty or wrong to “date too many people” (whatever that means) or act on sexual desires. It also reinforces rigid and antiquated expectations of how girls should behave.
What’s even worse is that guys don’t face the same consequences for dating lots of people or supposedly acting like a “slut.” Just look at how the media treats male celebrities who date around. They are usually called “playboy” or “womanizer,” words that have fewer negative connotations than their feminine equivalents–“slut” and “whore.” It’s unfair that Taylor’s legitimacy as a musician is being questioned because of her love life, while others can do the same thing without being penalized for it. Slut-shaming is hypocritical and sends both young women and young men the wrong message—the message that it is acceptable for men to express their sexuality but women should be belittled and shamed if they express the same feelings.
The media and public’s biased treatment of Taylor just goes to show that people are still held to different standards about what’s acceptable when it comes to dating based on gender. If teens can’t recognize it in a high-profile example like Taylor Swift, it’s scary to think that they may actually believe that slut-shaming is OK. You don’t have to be a Taylor Swift fan to see that the number of guys she dates is irrelevant and should not influence anyone’s opinion of her. Likewise, women should be free to date and express their sexuality without being made to feel guilty or ashamed.
Posted In: Abuse & Violence
Tags: music | celebrities | slut shaming