
National Day of Silence

April 16, 2010

For those who don’t know, the National Day of Silence is April 16th. It’s an annual event that brings attention to anti-GLBT name-calling and harassment in schools. On this day every year since 1996, students around the country have taken a day-long vow of silence to draw attention to and speak out against anti-GLBT behaviors.

Any student interested in participating should be silent between classes or out of school. The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, which organizes the Day of Silence through, recommends that if you intend to stay silent during class time as well, clear the event with your teachers and school administration. You can also Tweet the Silence by tweeting before or after school about what you’re doing to observe the Day of Silence.

If you’re participating, make sure you register, so that a count of participants can be made. For more information, visit and speak out (or don’t!) against anti-GLBT harassment in your school, community and around the country.

-Taylor McCabe, 17, Staff Writer

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