
Look What I Got You for Valentine’s Day!

February 12, 2009

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! Getting your boo flowers, chocolate and a card might be nice. But why not try something unique? Have a conversation about safer sex!

Having convos about condoms and STD testing on V-Day might sound like the ultimate mood killer. But safer sex and romance go hand in hand! It’s fear of STDs and pregnancy that can get in the way of enjoying the time you spend with your partner, not condoms. Show your partner that you really care about him or her: Talk about getting tested and using condoms or other latex barriers before things get hot and heavy.

Can you imagine getting an STD for Valentine’s Day? That’s no way to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Check out this great video from Trojan’s Evolve campaign reminding you to have safer sex and use condoms:

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