In a Crisis?

Some things just can’t wait a few days. If you are in a crisis and need immediate attention, browse our resources for hotlines.
Visit the Info Center for stories, FAQs, and Sex Terms, or search for more information using the search tool at the top of our website. These frequently asked questions may help.
- I was just raped. I’m scared and don’t know what to do. Can you help me?
- I just had unprotected sex. What is emergency contraception? Is it the same as the “morning-after pill”?
- I think I might have a sexually transmitted disease (STD). How do I find out for sure, and how do I tell my partner?
- I might be pregnant. Where can I take a pregnancy test? How much will it cost and will they tell my parents?
- I just found out that I’m pregnant (or that a girl I know is pregnant). What should I do? How do I tell my parent(s)?
- I think I might be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, and I’m really stressed out. Can you help me?