Here Come the Birth Control Ads
February 8, 2012
When I think about the ads for birth control or safer sex methods, Trojan brand condom commercials are the first things that come to mind. Whether it’s a frantic couple running into a gas station looking for some more of those new condoms that made sex feel like “ecstasy” or a pig turning into a charming super model with the presence of a condom, Trojan dominates the ad market. But as a recent CNNarticle points out, this is all about to change.
According to the article “the Ad Council recently began offering 33,000 media outlets -digital, TV, radio, outdoor and print-the opportunity to run for free a series of short ads encouraging 20-somethings to use birth control.” These new ads use humor to promote knowledge about birth control, but they don’t just focus on decked out condoms. Instead these ads target young women by promoting Web sites like Bedsider.org, which help visitors “compare 15 kinds of contraception, locate the closest place to acquire various methods, set up regular birth control reminder and watch videos of real women sharing birth control experiences.” While these commercials and sites are geared toward young adults, they still reach many teens and provide an invaluable resource about birth control for people of all ages.
I think this new focus on informing the female (and male) population about all forms of birth control and safer sex methods is a good change from a condom centered market. It’s great that teens hear about condoms and know that they are easy to acquire, but teens have so many other amazing hormonal birth control options that should also be considered. Why place all the emphasis on getting a new condom that glows in the dark when you can just as easily protect yourself with birth control pills or the patch.
Posted In: Birth Control
Tags: birth control | advertisements | safer sex