
Five Tips to Be Safe from Textual Harassment

August 8, 2008 you’ve ever received any kind of unwanted text message that’s threatening or humiliating, then you’ve been the victim of textual harassment. More and more teens are reporting that they’ve been the victims of this form of cyberbullying.

Texts can be pretty anonymous, and bullies are hiding behind texts to harass their victims. Don’t let cyberbullies get the best of you! Here are some tips to follow if you become the victim of textual harassment:

  • Don’t reply! Sure, you might be mad and want to text back. But replying lets the bully know that he or she got under your skin. If a bully can’t get a response from you, chances are they’ll give up.
  • Save the text. If you decide to make a report to the police, you’ll need evidence.
  • Tell a trusted cruel MySpace hoax that ended tragically.

    Posted In: Abuse & Violence

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