
Busting Myths about the Single Life

September 26, 2008 you a single teen who sees couples at school and wonders if being a couple is better than being single? It’s National Unmarried and Single Americans Week, and we want to set the record straight on being single!

Myth: You’re the only person not in a relationship.

That’s just not true. People live a huge part of their lives as singles. So why worry about it? You have the rest of your life to think about finding a partner.

Myth: You’re single because there’s something wrong with you.

Finding someone you’re compatible with takes time and, for some people, lots of dates. Just because you’re not in a relationship doesn’t mean you’re messed up. It just means you haven’t clicked with someone yet.

Myth: You’re unhappy, miserable and lonely without a partner.

There are millions of happy, single Americans living life to the fullest every day. If you’re feeling especially sad and lonely, a relationship won’t make those feelings go away. Talk to a mental health professional if these feelings persist.

Myth: You’re incomplete, and a partner makes you whole.

If you believe this, then you’re definitely not ready for a relationship. How can you start a healthy relationship if you think you’re somehow broken? Get into a relationship because you like the other person, not because you can’t be alone.

Myth: You’ll be home alone on Friday nights. You have no life if you’re single.

Woe is me! A quiet night at home isn’t a bad thing. Why sit by the phone waiting for it to ring, when you can pursue a hobby or make plans with your friends.

Don’t forget: Whether you’re single or in a relationship, not having oral, anal or vaginal sex is the only way to totally protect yourself from unplanned pregnancy and STDs.

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