Meet the Staff

Meet the Staff

Shreya Aravindakshan

Meet Shreya! Shreya, 17, is multilingual, music-loving, well rounded and very easygoing! She joined the staff of Sex, Etc. because she believes that the only way to end sex ed stigma is through conversations about it. Writing for Sex, Etc. gives her the opportunity to both develop her voice and help provide other teens with comprehensive sex ed content. She hopes to write about stigma around sexual health in Asian-American communities. When she is not writing, she loves to play the piano, read old books—preferably by F. Scott Fitzgerald—and volunteer with her township’s youth council. You might also find her dancing her heart out or swimming if the weather allows it. She is passionate about her beliefs, whether spreading comprehensive sex education to teens or fighting for climate awareness. Shreya is excited to be on the staff, and she can’t wait to write!

—Misha’el Richardson, 17, Staff Writer

Recent Stories

No Longer Taboo: Talking With My Mom About Sex

One day in the fifth grade, the boys and girls were separated. The girls were led to a classroom with a doctor...

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World AIDS Day 2020

World AIDS Day has been recognized every year on December 1st since 1988. This day is a time to remember lives...

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