Meet the Staff

Meet the Staff

Rhea Soo (she/her)

Rhea (she/her), 17, nicknamed “Reassurance” by a friend is passionate, diligent and responsible. She joined the Sex, Etc. teen staff because she hopes to provide accessible and reliable sex ed resources for teens and reduce stigma surrounding sex and sexuality. Rhea is actively involved at her school both with academics—she loves math and biology—and extracurricular activities. She co-leads her school’s Menstrual Health Club, associated with the Days for Girls nonprofit organization, which sews and distributes washable pads for those in need. She is also a part of her friend’s Insect Eating Club—but don’t be scared, eating bugs can be environmentally beneficial! During her free time, Rhea loves baking and is especially proud of her pineapple tarts, made from her grandmother’s recipe. Rhea is skilled at Japanese calligraphy and also took up a new hobby during the pandemic: she taught herself to knit and crochet by watching videos and has made and sent rugs to her friends.

Ying (Jennifer) Hu, 18, Staff Writer

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