Meet the Staff

Meet the Staff

Kayla Weiss

Kickboxing and exploring the outdoors are just two of the many activities that 17-year-old Kayla Weiss takes pleasure in. She’s done everything from cliff-jumping to zip-lining, and when she finally turns 18, she’ll be first on line for sky-diving. One day, she hopes to take her adventures to Thailand. While she gets her daring and thrill-seeking personality from her dad, she also has an artistic side. She is a film buff and loves reading the classics. John Steinbeck is her favorite author, and she even named one of her dogs after Atticus Finch, the famous protagonist of To Kill a Mockingbird. Kayla is also an avid photographer, catching shots of the concerts she goes to with her sister and the good memories she has with her friends.

—Lei Anne Galicia, 16, Staff Writer

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