Elle Guillaume (she/her)
Writing for: 1 year
Elle (she/her), 16, is a stylish leader with a passion for social change. At school, she is super-involved: president of DECA (an entrepreneurship club), a leader of Students for Justice as well as the Muslim and Arab Student Union, vice president of Habitat for Humanity and vice president of the Feminist Literature Club. She is also on her school’s volleyball team! In her free time, you can find her with a romance or non-fiction book, playing the guitar or drums or spending time with her dog, a Havanese named Piper. She also loves spending days on the lake. Elle often tries new looks with her makeup, hair and outfits (but her hoop earrings are an everyday staple). She believes education is a gift and privilege. Through Sex, Etc., she hopes to empower teens through comprehensive sex education, allowing them to make informed decisions about their sexual health.
—Andrea Ladia (she/her), 17, Staff Writer