Meet the Staff

Meet the Staff

Cynthia Ulokameje

Seventeen-year-old Cynthia has big plans for her future. She can already envision herself working in a business-related career. Her passion for business was influenced by her dad. He has always encouraged her to be a leader. Cynthia is involved in her high school’s French Club, Future Education Association, Key Club and World Food Program. Cynthia also manages to do a fantastic job playing forward for both her traveling and varsity soccer teams. Cynthia is excited to write about issues that matter to her like preventing pregnancy and birth control. She hopes that her articles will be a valuable resource for teens searching for answers. If Cynthia could have a superpower, she would have the ability to go back in time, so that she would never have to waste a second of her life.

—Asha Cheerath, 17, Staff Writer

Recent Stories

Having “The Talk” With Your Sibling

When I was five years old and my mother was pregnant with my younger sister, I thought, How did that happen?...

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Sex Ed Censored in the States

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March 11, 2013
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Recent Blog Posts

Three Myths About the HPV Vaccine

Since January is Cervical Cancer Awareness month, it is important for everyone to know about the human papillomavirus...

January 16, 2014

Four LGBTQ People We’re Thankful For

Since many of us don’t usually learn about LGBTQ history in our history classes at school, we wanted to take...

November 26, 2013
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