Meet the Staff

Meet the Staff

Cynthia Lam

Cynthia Lam, 17, is very excited about her third year on the Sex, Etc. teen editorial staff. She has written many interesting articles, but her favorite was “It Won’t Fall Off,” a story that debunks myths about masturbation. Over this past summer, Cynthia went to a journalism camp in Los Angeles. While she had a lot of fun, the camp made Cynthia realize that she does not want to be a journalist. She wants to be an English major in college and then go to law school. “While athletes get a runner’s high or musicians are passionate about their music, I get that same rush of adrenaline from writing a perfect article,” explains Cynthia. She loves writing and speaking publically, and a lawyer gets to use both of those skills.

—Sara Racek, 17

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“Get Lucky” With Daft Punk Condoms

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