Christopher Masiello (he/him)
Writing for: 2 years
First introduced to Sex, Etc. by others at his school who wrote for the magazine and website, 17-year-old Christopher (Chris, he/him) is in his second year on the teen staff. He’s most interested in writing about sexual health news and research. Similarly, in school he likes to learn about science and hopes to pursue medicine in the future. In addition to academics and Sex, Etc., Chris definitely keeps busy. He’s part of clubs that raise funds for organizations such as Doctors Without Borders and Unicef and he’s also a co-founder of the Gender and Sexualities Alliance at his school. In his free time, Chris likes to spend time with friends. He enjoys skiing when it’s cold and scuba diving when it isn’t. He also likes to listen to Lady Gaga and Whitney Houston and watch his favorite TV show, Killing Eve. One more fact about Chris—he loves all dogs, but especially his golden retriever!
—Nate Lindstrom, 17, Staff Writer