
Make Every Day Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2008

Make Every Day Valentine's DaySometimes couples go crazy making sure that plans are perfect for Valentine’s Day. You have to worry about where to have dinner, or you go on a wild treasure hunt through the mall to find the perfect gift. Oh yeah, don’t forget the flowers, and make sure your outfit is extra cute. Be super nice and on your very best behavior!

Have you ever wondered why so much importance is placed on Valentine’s Day? What happened to the other 360-something days of the year? Shouldn’t we treat our partners with love and respect every day and not just on February 14?

Just imagine how much better relationships could be if you took time to treat your girlfriend or boyfriend like royalty on ordinary days and not just Valentine’s. It’s the little things—everyday honest conversations, thank yous and I love yous—that make a relationship special. If you keep that in mind, February 14 becomes just another amazing day of the year with your partner.

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